In 2018, Express Ranches Percherons came to fruition with the purpose of teaming up with Express Clydesdales to be the equine ambassadors for Express Employment Professionals. The two gentle giant breeds will work together to represent the company at their local offices and compete at draft horse shows throughout the United States of America and Canada.
Gentle Giants explores the world of draft horses on the farm, in the field and in the arena. Hosted by champion equestrians Pam Minick and Kadee Coffman, Gentle Giants travels across America to see draft horses at work and at play. From the 6 Horse Hitch Finals with their gleaming harness and authentic hitch wagons to sustainable farming and logging, viewers have embraced Gentle Giants.
Draft horses helped settle our nation - providing transportation and powering agriculture. Fans enjoy the 1-ton power of the Percherons, Clydesdales, Belgians, Shires, American Creams, Spotted Drafts, Fresians, and other unique draft breeds. Whether it’s the connection to heritage, the massive power, quiet temperament or willingness to please - there is a camaraderie among those who share a deep love for these Gentle Giants.
The show hitch competes anywhere from a one horse cart to the 8 - horse hitch. The most competitive and prestigious class is the 6 - horse hitch. Express Ranches Percherons currently competes against 240 hitches in the North American Six Horse Hitch Classic Series, to qualify to contend in the World Finals with the top 12 hitches on the continent. Currently, the World Finals is held in Oklahoma City during the Oklahoma State Fair.
The Cart
The 4-Horse Hitch
The Team
The 6-Horse Hitch
The Unicorn
The 8-Horse Hitch